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Healthy Choices When Eating Out, Leader's Guide

by M. Gayle Price Donna Krug


Americans eat away from home more than ever, but careful food choices and planning can promote health while dining out. Includes teaching activities, discussion questions, and an evaluation. 4 pages, b/w.

Revision Date: Sep 2018

Everyone to the Table: Family Meals Serve Us Well: Fact Sheet

by Sandy Procter


Regular family meals offer such benefits as optimal nutrition and positive family communication. Family meals help protect adolescents from developing eating disorders. 4-page.

Published Date: Jul 2007

Everyone to the Table: Family Meals Serve Us Well: Leader's Guide

by Sandy Procter


Family meals support good nutrition and positive parenting, offer insights into family relationships, and support children. 2-page.

Published Date: Jul 2007

Choose Wisely: For Health and Wealth, Leader’s Guide

by Barbara L. Ames


Your daily food and activity choices affect your health and quality of life. This leaders guide includes presentation tips and activities to help participants make wise choices. 2-page, b/w.

Revision Date: Jul 2018

Healthy Choices When Eating Out, Fact Sheet

by M. Gayle Price Donna Krug


Americans eat away from home more than ever, but careful food choices and planning can promote health while dining out. Includes strategies for making healthier choices when eating out. 4 pages, color.

Revision Date: Sep 2018

Liquid Assets: The Value of Fluids to Your Health: Leader's Guide

by Priscilla Brenes


Your body can’t survive for long without fluids and will function a lot better if you remember to make large deposits of fluids into your health account every day. This leader's guide includes teaching tips and activities to help participants understand the importance of drinking plenty of water each day. 6 pages, b/w.

Revision Date: Aug 2023

Liquid Assets: The Value of Fluids to Your Health: Fact Sheet

by Priscilla Brenes


Your body can’t survive for long without fluids and will function a lot better if you remember to make large deposits of fluids into your health account every day. This fact sheet includes information about the role water plays in keeping your body healthy. 6 pages, color.

Revision Date: Aug 2023

Healthful Whole Grains! Leader's Guide

by Sandy Procter Bertha Mendoza


Whole-grain foods provide nutrition and health benefits, taste great and satisfy hunger. This leader's guide includes teaching suggestions to help participants learn how to incorporate more whole-grain foods into their diet. 2-page, b/w.

Revision Date: Aug 2018

Healthful Whole Grains! Fact Sheet

by Bertha Mendoza Sandy Procter


Whole-grain foods provide nutrition and health benefits, taste great and satisfy hunger. Learn how to incorporate more whole-grain foods into your diet with this fact sheet. 6-page, color.

Revision Date: Aug 2018

Meat Product Labeling and Marketing: What Do All Those Words Really Mean?

by Travis O'Quinn Londa Nwadike


Meat product labels include terms that may be confusing to consumers. This publication explains terms such as "natural," "organic," or "grass-fed," as well as explaining the USDA meat grading system and other product claims. 8-page, color.

Published Date: May 2015

Storing Fresh Produce

by Londa Nwadike


Eating fresh local produce is always a treat and one of the best things about summer! This publication includes a few tips on maintaining their quality and safety until you are ready to eat them. 2 pages, color.

Published Date: Dec 2021

Safe Food Storage: The Refrigerator and Freezer, Spanish

by Karen Blakeslee


Translated into Spanish. Knowing how long to safely store food in your refrigerator and freezer will help you make the most of your food budget. This publication organizes the information by category of food and includes other helpful tips. 8 pages, color.

Published Date: Feb 2022

Alternative Protein Sources

by Londa Nwadike


This fact sheet is intended to provide some information about alternative protein sources to help inform consumers about these products. 4-page, color.

Published Date: Jan 2020

Spanish: Food Labeling for Kansas Food Producers and Processors

by Londa Nwadike


Revised for 2024 and translated into Spanish. State and federal food labeling requirements can be confusing. This fact sheet clarifies regulations for the food products most commonly sold by Kansas food producers and processors. 4 pages, b/w.

Revision Date: Feb 2024

Donating Safe and Nutritious Food to Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens, Fact Sheet

by Londa Nwadike


Donations of safe and healthy food by food retailers and consumers to entities such as food pantries and soup kitchens can help provide food to hungry families and also reduce food waste. This lesson provides food safety tips for people who are donating food to such entities, as well as for groups organizing food drives. Revised to reflect updated standards for donating meat products. 6 pages, color.

Revision Date: Jul 2018

Displaying 106 to 120 of 126 Publications
