Displaying 31 to 45 of 121 Publications
Storing Fresh Produce, Spanish
Translated into Spanish. Eating fresh local produce is always a treat and one of the best things about summer! This publication, translated into Spanish, includes a few tips on maintaining their quality and safety until you are ready to eat them. 2 pages, color.Published Date: Feb 2022
Food Safety Tips for Consumers: GMOs
by Londa Nwadike Cheryl Barnes
Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs, are foods developed using genetic engineering. This brief fact sheet provides some basic information about labeling requirements and food safety. 2 pages, color.Published Date: Jul 2023
Food Safety Tips for Consumers: Kitchen Cleaning
by Londa Nwadike Cheryl Barnes
It’s important to keep your kitchen clean, because germs can easily lurk on the surfaces you touch frequently. Maintaining a clean kitchen can help decrease your risk of contracting a foodborne illness. This brief fact sheet includes tips for kitchen cleaning. 2 pages, color.Published Date: Jul 2023
Selling Safe Canned Foods in Kansas
Many small-scale food processors are making and selling canned, shelf-stable foods such as pickles, salsas, or jams and jellies. Such products must be prepared safely and be in compliance with food safety regulations. This fact sheet answers some frequently asked questions about selling safe canned foods. 4 pages, colorPublished Date: Jan 2021
Storing Fresh Produce
Eating fresh local produce is always a treat and one of the best things about summer! This publication includes a few tips on maintaining their quality and safety until you are ready to eat them. 2 pages, color.Published Date: Dec 2021
Safe Food Storage: The Refrigerator and Freezer, Spanish
Translated into Spanish. Knowing how long to safely store food in your refrigerator and freezer will help you make the most of your food budget. This publication organizes the information by category of food and includes other helpful tips. 8 pages, color.Published Date: Feb 2022
Taking a New Look at Fermented Foods, Fact Sheet
by Donna Krug
Today, there is a renewed interest in preparing fermented foods at home for several reasons. This fact sheet is designed to provide simple and safe instructions for fermenting foods in the home kitchen. FCE choice. 4 pages, color.Published Date: Apr 2020
Taking a New Look at Fermented Foods, Leader's Guide
by Donna Krug
Today, there is a renewed interest in preparing fermented foods at home for several reasons. This leader's guide includes tips for presenting the lesson and an evaluation. FCE choice. 4 pages, b/w.Published Date: Apr 2020
Cooking Basics: Reducing a Recipe
by Lisa Martin
The tips and charts in this fact sheet will help you adapt recipes for fewer servings. You’ll also find the kitchen tools substitution chart and the safe cooking temperatures chart helpful. Then practice your skills with the worksheet. 4 pages, color.Published Date: Jun 2020
Food Safety of Frostings and Fillings
by Karen Blakeslee et al.
Outbreaks of foodborne illness from icings and frostings are rare but they do happen for a variety of reasons. This publication explains food safety risks related to frostings and fillings of baked goods and the factors that are associated with higher risks. It includes guidelines for what products are acceptable for Kansas fairs and exhibitions. 6 pages, color.Published Date: Dec 2020
Working Together to Reduce Food Waste, Leader's Guide
When people throw food out they are throwing away money, as well as the water, energy, and labor that produced the food. This leader's guide gives suggestions for presenting the lesson and includes an evaluation. FCE choice. 4 pages, b/w.Published Date: Apr 2020
Alternative Protein Sources
This fact sheet is intended to provide some information about alternative protein sources to help inform consumers about these products. 4-page, color.Published Date: Jan 2020
Working Together to Reduce Food Waste, Fact Sheet
by Rachel Werling Londa Nwadike
When people throw food out they are throwing away money, as well as the water, energy, and labor that produced the food. This fact sheet focuses on the benefits of food waste reduction and how consumers can reduce their own food waste. FCE choice. 4 pages, color.Published Date: Apr 2020
Suddenly in Charge: Food Safety
by Aimee Baker
Aimed at children who are suddenly responsible for younger people in their care, this publication includes tips for food safety. It also includes activity and snack suggestions. In English and Spanish. 2 pages, color.Published Date: May 2020
Spanish: Food Safety Training for Produce Workers
Translated into Spanish. This brochure is designed to assist farms in complying with the worker training requirements outlined in the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act’s (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. 2 pages, color, trifold.Published Date: Nov 2018
Displaying 31 to 45 of 121 Publications