Displaying 16 to 30 of 67 Publications
Body Condition Record Book
by Sandy Johnson Justin Waggoner
A tool beef cattle producers can use to collect and track body condition throughout the year. 24-page, color cover.Published Date: Dec 2015
Veterinary Feed Directive: What Producers Should Know about Antimicrobial Use in Feed
Information for producers on a new FDA rule that places medically important feed-grade antimicrobial drugs under veterinary supervision. 2-page.Published Date: Oct 2016
How Feeding-Site Mud and Temperature Affect Animal Performance
by Joel M. DeRouchey Twig T. Marston Joseph P. Harner III
Livestock producers should make management decisions to minimize animal exposure to mud and provide protection from adverse weather to maximize animal performance. 2 p.Published Date: Feb 2005
Winter Feeding Sites and Calf Scours
by Larry C. Hollis Joel M. DeRouchey Twig T. Marston
As cows feed on a small site during the winter, manure and wasted hay accumulate. Disease-causing organisms develop, and can sicken calves that use the pasture in spring. 2 p.Published Date: Nov 2006
Beef Cow-Calf Management Options When Pasture is Limited
To remain profitable in the face of widespread drought, record grain and feed prices, and other economic uncertainties, Kansas beef producers must focus on capturing value, managing returns, and implementing least-cost production strategies. This publication helps beef producers determine appropriate management practices for cow-calf operations when pasture is limited. 8-page, color.Published Date: Aug 2014
2021 Protocols for Synchronization of Estrus and Ovulation in Beef Cows and Heifers
by Sandy Johnson et al.
Best scientifically proven methods to synchronize estrus and ovulation in beef cows and replacement heifers for beef producers considering expanding the use of artificial insemination. 8-page, color.Revision Date: Oct 2021
Tips for a Successful Estrus Synchronization and Artificial Insemination Program
by Jeff Stevenson John Jaeger Sandy Johnson
This publication helps cattle producers determine if their herd is a good candidate for synchronization of estrus. It offers tips for establishing a successful synchronization program. 4-page, color.Revision Date: Dec 2018
Proper Handling and Administration of Cattle-Health Products
Suggestions for cattle producers and veterinarians on handling of animal-health products to maximize potential benefits. 4-page, b/w.Revision Date: Jul 2017
How Water Quality and Source Affect Animal Performance
by Joel M. DeRouchey Twig T. Marston Joseph P. Harner III
Cattle producers should make sure water for livestock is protected from contamination by chemicals, excess nutrients (from soil erosion or manure) and microorganisms (manure). 2 p.Published Date: Feb 2005
by Gerald L. Stokka Thomas R. Falkner Jeremy Van Boening
Guide to preventing the economic effects of anaplasmosis on cattle.Revision Date: Jan 2000
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
by Gerald L. Stokka Jeremy Van Boening
Clinical signs and prevention of BSE, a slowly progressing fatal disease affecting the central nervous system of cattle.Published Date: Jan 2000
Bovine Virus Diarrhea
by Gerald L. Stokka Thomas R. Falkner Pat Bierman
Types, transmission, diagnosis, and prevention of bovine virus diarrhea, one of the most significant viral infections of cattle. Old number EP49.Published Date: Jan 2000
Corn Gluten Feed: Composition and Feeding Value for Beef and Dairy Cattle
by Dale A. Blasi Michael J. Brouk
Corn gluten feed (CGF) is a by-product of the wet milling process. Wet or dry CGF represents an excellent feedstuff in the cattle industries. 16 p.Published Date: Feb 2001
Cow/Calf Record Book
Field record book for cattle breeding programs. Space to record calving details, cow and bull inventories, vaccination and treatment records, herd performance, and more. 64-page, color cover, b/w inside.Revision Date: May 2023
Pinkeye: Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis
by Harriet J. Davidson Gerald L. Stokka Jeremy Van Boening
An overview of the clinical signs, prevention, and treatment of pinkeye in cattle.Revision Date: Jan 2000
Displaying 16 to 30 of 67 Publications