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Drip Irrigation for Community Gardens

by Cary L. Rivard Ward Upham Cathie Lavis Cheryl R. Boyer


Drip systems are a common method of irrigating vegetable crops. Such a system benefits a community garden by applying water directly to the plant root zone at a rate that can be absorbed by the soil without runoff. This publication shows how to install a successful drip irrigation system for community gardens, including small plots and home gardens. 8-page, color.

Published Date: Oct 2014

Watering Vegetable and Flower Gardens

by Ward Upham


Generally, flower and vegetable beds should be watered when the top several inches of soil is dry. Dig down 2 to 4 inches with a trowel to determine if soil needs additional water. 2 p.

Published Date: Jan 2008

Fertilizing Gardens in Kansas

by Ward Upham


Covers soil testing, fertilizer composition and application rates, information on adjusting soil pH, and more. 12-page, color.

Revision Date: Jan 2018

Making Compost: A Beginner’s Guide

by Ward Upham


Instructions on how to make compost from organic waste, and use it to improve garden soil. 4 page, color.

Revision Date: May 2019

Cross-Striped Cabbageworm: Insect Pest of Vegetable Crops

by Raymond A. Cloyd


Information to help identify and manage this insect pest that feeds on cole crops such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage, and on turnips and leafy-green vegetables. 2-page, color.

Published Date: May 2020

Insect and Mite Pests of Vegetable Gardens

by Raymond A. Cloyd


How to detect, identify and manage insect and mite pests in vegetable gardens. Includes photos of common pests and information on susceptible host plants. 8-page, color.

Published Date: Mar 2020

Squash Bug, Home and Horticultural Pests

by James R. Nechols Raymond A. Cloyd


Identification and management of this major insect pest of field and garden-grown squash and pumpkins. 4-page, color.

Published Date: Jul 2016

Squash Vine Borer, Home and Horticultural Pests

by Raymond A. Cloyd James R. Nechols


Tips for home gardeners on how to identify and manage this damaging pest of cucurbit plants such as squash, pumpkin, cucumber, and muskmelon. 2-page, color.

Published Date: Jul 2016

Integrated Pest Management in Greenhouses and Herbaceous Nurseries

by James Quinn Raymond A. Cloyd David Trinklein


Integrated pest management (IPM) involves use of cultural, physical, biological, and chemical methods to manage insect and mite pests. Includes inspection, scouting and monitoring. 8-page, color.

Published Date: Jul 2009

Considerations and Resources for School Garden Design in Kansas

by Rebecca McMahon


School gardens provide learning opportunities as well as fresh produce. This publication includes factors to consider, especially early in the garden development process. 24 pages, color.

Published Date: Feb 2022

Garden Templates and Plant Choices for Kansas School Gardens

by Rebecca McMahon


Use garden templates and the plant information to plan a school garden that will provide a variety of learning opportunities as well as fresh produce. Includes templates for spring, fall, summer, and extended season gardens, as well as a wide variety of plant choices. 168 pages, color.

Published Date: Feb 2022

Use of Sanitizers in Postharvest Water

by Londa Nwadike Durga Khadka


Postharvest water refers to water used for rinsing, cooling, or icing harvested produce. It also includes water used for handwashing and cleaning food contact surfaces. Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) sets a standard for preventing contamination from agricultural water for post-harvest use. 4 pages, color.

Published Date: Dec 2023

New Modified FSMA PSR Agricultural Water Requirement Proposal

by Londa Nwadike Yeqi Zhao


Fact sheet outlines proposed changes and steps producers may need to take to change pre-harvest agricultural water requirements for covered produce (fruit and vegetables other than sprouts) to comply with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR). 2 pages, color.

Revision Date: Apr 2024

Produce Safety and Agricultural Water Quality

by Londa Nwadike Yeqi Zhao Olivia Haley


The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule specifies that all agricultural water must be safe and of adequate sanitary quality for its intended use. This fact sheet outlines the basics of water quality and produce safety and includes a guide to interpret your water quality test. 2 pages, color.

Published Date: Dec 2023

Agricultural Water Contamination and Food Safety

by Londa Nwadike Durga Khadka


Fresh produce is commonly associated with foodborne illnesses, and agricultural water is suspected as a major causative agent. This fact sheet outlines the food safety risks associated with agricultural water and how to address water contamination on the farm. 2 pages, color.

Published Date: Dec 2023

Displaying 46 to 60 of 94 Publications
