Displaying 31 to 45 of 89 Publications
Management Considerations for Operating a Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) System
by Freddie R. Lamm Danny H. Rogers Mahbub Alam
SDI systems deliver water to the root zone of crops using polyethylene drip tubing permanently buried below the soil surface. There is no visual evidence of system performance.Published Date: Nov 2003
Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) Components: Minimum Requirements
by Danny H. Rogers Freddie R. Lamm Jonathan Aguilar
This publication discusses the basic components of a subsurface drip irrigation system and has a brief overview of accessory options. It includes options and factors to take into consideration for each component of an SDI system. 4 pages, b/w.Revision Date: Sep 2018
Design Considerations for Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) Systems
by Freddie R. Lamm Danny H. Rogers Mahbub Alam
Successful operation of a subsurface drip irrigation system begins with proper hydraulic design, which considers crop and soil characteristics, field size, shape, topography, and water supply.Published Date: Jul 2003
Shock Chlorination Treatment for Irrigation Wells
by Danny H. Rogers Freddie R. Lamm Mahbub Alam
Shock chlorination (with high concentration of chlorine) of irrigation wells can prevent buildup of bacterial slimes that cause losses of well capacity, clogging problems for irrigation systems.Published Date: Jul 2003
Suspended Solids: A Water Quality Concern for Kansas
by Kent A. McVay Daniel L. Devlin
The major source of suspended solids is cropland. Other sources include roadways, ditches, building sites, streambanks, grazinglands, livestock confinement operations, urban areas, and forestlands.Published Date: Feb 2001
Estimating Manure Nutrient Availability
by Ray E. Lamond Dale F. Leikam
Managing manure for efficient crop production, while minimizing potential environmental concerns, is more complex than simply disposing of the manure on agricultural lands.Published Date: Jan 2003
Water Quality Best Management Practices, Effectiveness, and Cost for Reducing Contaminant Losses from Cropland
This publication lists best management practices for reducing nutrient losses from cropland. 4-page, 2-color.Revision Date: Aug 2015
Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems (SDI) Water Quality Assessment Guidelines
by Danny H. Rogers Freddie R. Lamm Mahbub Alam
Prevention of clogging is key to SDI system longevity. Understand potential problems with a water source. Water quality tests include electrical conductivity, pH, etc.Published Date: Jul 2003
Irrigation Formulas and Conversions
by Danny H. Rogers Mahbub Alam
provides facts and figures of irrigation formulas and conversions.Published Date: Nov 1999
Vegetative Filter Strip Systems for Animal Feeding Operations
by Joseph P. Harner III James P Murphy Daniel L. Devlin
Use grass plots to reduce nutrient runoff into surface water. Plants should have dense crown and root development; rapid top growth to reduce velocity of runoff water & fibrous roots.Published Date: Feb 2000
Water Quality Protection: Best Management Practices for Cropland
Chart describing best way to control pollutants when using Alachlor, Atrazine, phosphorus, & nitrogen in crop production.Published Date: Aug 2000
Planning and Designing Cattle Feedlots
by Joseph P. Harner III James P Murphy et al.
Construction of a new feedlot or expansion of an existing feedlot requires adequate planning and design to maintain the feedlot’s efficiency and profitability. Planning and design information will aid feedlot owners and operators to improve and develop facilities to address human, cattle, and environmental issues, and will result in safe, efficient, and productive feedlots. 12 pages, color.Revision Date: Dec 2021
Best Management Practices for Phosphorus
by Daniel L. Devlin Gary M. Pierzynski Kent A. McVay
When excess phosphorus enters lakes and streams, it enhances the growth of algae and other aquatic weeds. This results in eutrophication, which eventually chokes out other life, depletes oxygen.Revision Date: Aug 2002
Filtration and Maintenance Considerations for Subsurface Drip (SDI) Systems
by Mahbub Alam Todd P. Trooien Freddie R. Lamm
The filtration unit is the most important component of an SDI system. The major cause of failure is clogging of emitters. Flushing of driplines should be part of routine maintenance.Revision Date: Jan 2002
What is ET? An Evapotranspiration Primer
by Danny H. Rogers Mahbub Alam
Evapotranspiration (ET) combines evaporation from soil with transpiration from plants to describe water loss from a crop to air. Water functions in plants: cooling, nutrient transport, hydration.Revision Date: Jan 2007
Displaying 31 to 45 of 89 Publications