Displaying 31 to 45 of 80 Publications
Household Pests of Kansas
by Holly N. Davis Robert J. Whitworth
A guide to help homeowners and pest managers identify and manage key arthropod pests found in and around the home, including insects, mites, spiders, centipedes, scorpions, and ticks. 112-page, color, spiral bound.Published Date: Jul 2018
Redheaded Flea Beetle
by Raymond A. Cloyd Nathan J. Herrick
Biology, damage, and management of this pest of nursery production systems. 2-page, color.Published Date: Aug 2018
Brownheaded Ash Sawfly
Identification, behavior, and management of this pest, which may defoliate ash trees in early spring. New, 2-page, color.Published Date: May 2016
Squash Bug, Home and Horticultural Pests
by Raymond A. Cloyd James R. Nechols
Identification and management of this major insect pest of field and garden-grown squash and pumpkins. 4-page, color.Published Date: Jul 2016
Squash Vine Borer, Home and Horticultural Pests
by Raymond A. Cloyd James R. Nechols
Tips for home gardeners on how to identify and manage this damaging pest of cucurbit plants such as squash, pumpkin, cucumber, and muskmelon. 2-page, color.Published Date: Jul 2016
Small-Scale Monarch Butterfly and Pollinator Habitat Development in Kansas
Learn how to support the monarch migration. Tips for site and plant selection, where to find Kansas native plants. 8-page, color.Revision Date: May 2023
Tree and Shrub Problems in Kansas: Diseases, Insects, and Environmental Stresses
by Megan M. Kennelly Raymond A. Cloyd Judith O'Mara Jason J. Griffin
This guide provides an overview of different tree problems followed by an extensive itemized list of specific diseases, insects, mites, and environmental/abiotic stress problems of trees and shrubs common in Kansas, information on how to identify those problems, and guidelines for management. 104 pages, color.Revision Date: Nov 2023
Harlequin Bug
Identification and biology, host plants, damage, and management of this destructive pest of vegetable crops. 4-page, color.Published Date: Jun 2014
Common Asparagus Beetle
This publication provides tips for identification and management of the common asparagus beetle, a colorful blue-black, spotted insect that is a widespread pest of garden asparagus. 2-pages, full color.Published Date: May 2015
Pocket Guide to Common Pest Problems and Beneficials
Publication features 40 of the most common garden insect pests and beneficials. It contains information on what the insects look like, life stages, damage, and what can be done to control them. 64-page, full color.Published Date: Aug 2012
Tomato and Tobacco Hornworms: Home and Horticultural Pests
Identification, biology, behavior, and management of two common vegetable garden pests. 4-page, full color.Published Date: Apr 2013
Spotted Wing Drosophila
by Raymond A. Cloyd Cherie Copeland
Identification, behavior, and control of this pest of fruits and berries. 4-page, color.Published Date: Apr 2014
Rose Rosette Disease
Covers symptoms, causes, and management of this well-known infection of roses. 2-page, full color.Revision Date: Apr 2013
Turfgrass Insects: Home and Horticultural Pests
Information to help identify and manage common insect pests of turfgrass in Kansas. 8-page, color.Revision Date: Apr 2015
Twospotted Spider Mite: Management in Greenhouses and Nurseries
Information on twospotted spider mites, (Tetranychus urticae) including biology and damage, management, scouting, use of miticides, resistance and resistance mitigation, impact of pesticides on mite populations, and biological management. 8-page, color.Published Date: Jun 2011
Displaying 31 to 45 of 80 Publications