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Narrow-row Grain Sorghum Production in Kansas | KSRE Bookstore PDF

If narrow-row sorghum is planted in a continuous sorghum cropping system or if a full-season ... Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist. Lucas Haag.

MF3561 Thermal infrared Imaging System Usage for Crop Health ... PDF

Portable thermal infrared sensor systems have gained greater interest in the agriculture industry in the past decade. The earlier access to thermal imagery to ...

SRL141 Volunteer Corn in Fallow: Keeping up with Research PDF

As a result, many produc- ers have adopted no-till cropping systems that use glypho- sate extensively for weed control in fallow. Because most of the corn ...

MF3312 Dual-Purpose Wheat Variety Performance 2024 PDF

purpose system versus a grain-only system. Fall forage yield is an ... Varieties and cropping systems also differed significantly in plant height ...

Choose a GPS Guidance System Based on Farm Needs | KSRE ... PDF

Choosing a system depends on the type of guidance system used, crop type (row or broadcast), and terrain (hilly or con- toured). Active implement guidance is ...

MF3040 Prussic Acid Poisoning PDF

Crop Production/. Cropping Systems. Dave Mengel. Agronomist. Soil Fertility. Dale Blasi. Animal Scientist. Stocker and Forages. John Holman. Agronomist.

MF2391 Controlling Saline Seeps PDF

Role of cropping systems in environmental quality: saline seep control. In: Crop- ping Strategies for Efficient Use of Water and Nitro- gen. ASA Special ...

Integrated Pigweed Management | KSRE Bookstore PDF

systems; therefore, consideration must be given to how each tactic fits in combination with the other goals of the cropping system (Figure 5). Crop Rotation.

Using Legumes in Crop Rotations | KSRE Bookstore PDF

Legume rotation systems also help in managing such problem weeds as ... An individual producer's decision on using legumes in cropping systems must ...

Estimating Manure Nutrient Availability | KSRE Bookstore PDF

will undergo mineralization in warm season cropping systems. Mineralization ... Once the amount of manure nutrients available for the crop is estimated and the ...