Displaying 16 to 30 of 115 Publications
Suddenly in Charge: Babysitter Information Sheet
by Becky Reid Bradford B. Wiles
In this time of change, K-State Research and Extension is here to help children with being suddenly responsible for younger people in their care. This first tipsheet provides space to record important information about the children being cared for. 2 pages, color.Published Date: Apr 2020
Suddenly in Charge: Babysitter Information Sheet, Spanish
by Bradford B. Wiles Becky Reid
Spanish: In this time of change, K-State Research and Extension is here to help children with being suddenly responsible for younger people in their care. This first tipsheet provides space to record important information about the children being cared for. 2 pages, color.Published Date: Apr 2020
Bonding Thru Board Games, Family Strengths Cards
by Elizabeth Brunscheen-Cartagena
Playing games together helps build strong families. Each card focuses on one of the six traits of strong families: spending time together, showing affection and appreciation, open communication and good listening; spiritual wellness, coping ability, and strong commitment to each other. Set of 6, 2-sided cards, color.Revision Date: May 2019
Bonding Thru Board Games, Fact Sheet, Spanish
by Elizabeth Brunscheen-Cartagena
Spanish translation. Families live in a busy world in which time together is often lost in the buzz of activity. Setting aside a time to play board games can bring families together. When played in the right spirit, games provide a shared fun experience. An FCE selection. 4-page, color.Published Date: May 2019
Spanish: Bonding Thru Board Games Strength Cards
by Elizabeth Brunscheen-Cartagena
Spanish: Playing games together helps build strong families. Each card focuses on one of the six traits of strong families: spending time together, showing affection and appreciation, open communication and good listening; spiritual wellness, coping ability, and strong commitment to each other. 6 cards, 2-sided, color.Published Date: May 2019
Building Baby's Brain: Buffering the Brain from Toxic Stress
by Diane Bales
Children who live in unpredictable worlds, who do not have the opportunity to form a secure attachment with a caregiver, or who live in an unsafe physical environment live in a constant state of heightened stress. This severe, chronic stress can have profound and long-lasting negative effects on brain development. Buffering children from toxic stress can support early brain development. 4-page, color.Published Date: Dec 2016
Bonding Thru Board Games, Brochure
by Elizabeth Brunscheen-Cartagena
Promote Bonding Thru Board Games in your community with this brochure. It outlines the goals and parameters of the program and includes space for your own schedule and local contacts. Color trifold, 2 pages.Revision Date: Oct 2020
Bonding Thru Board Games, Fact Sheet
by Elizabeth Brunscheen-Cartagena
Families live in a busy world in which time together is often lost in the buzz of activity. Setting aside a time to play board games can bring families together. When played in the right spirit, games provide a shared fun experience. 4 pages, color.Revision Date: May 2019
Building Baby's Brain: Nurturing Positive Relationships
by Diane Bales
Over the first months of life, babies build relationships with the adults who care for them. Babies who form warm, loving relationships feel secure exploring and learning. Babies who live in an unpredictable world tend to form insecure attachments. They learn that the world is unreliable and expect later relationships to be negative. Help your baby build secure attachment relationships. 2-page, color.Published Date: Dec 2016
Building Baby's Brain: The Importance of Play
by Diane Bales
Play is one of the most essential activities babies do. Through play, babies and young children have the opportunity to experience new things and practice existing skills, which strengthens networks of brain connections. This publication explains what babies learn while playing and what you can do to help build brain connections through play. 2-page, color.Published Date: Dec 2016
Building Baby's Brain: Creating Consistency
by Diane Bales
The developing brain thrives on repetition. When a baby experiences the same things over and over, the pathways of connections in her brain become stronger and more complex. One of the best ways to provide repetition for the developing brain is to create consistency in the child's world. This publication explains the components of consistency and what you can do to create a positive and predictable environment. 2-page, color.Published Date: Dec 2016
Building Baby's Brain: Learning Language
by Diane Bales
The average baby learns a new language relatively easily. Babies learn language by hearing other people speak around them and by practicing making those sounds. Here is some information on how babies learn language and ways you can help your baby. 2-page, color.Published Date: Dec 2016
Building Baby's Brain: The Role of Music
by Diane Bales
Children who grow up listening to music develop strong music-related connections in the brain. Some of these music pathways actually affect the way we think. Here is some information on how music affects our brains and ideas on how to help nurture children's love of music. 2-page, color.Published Date: Dec 2016
Building Baby's Brain: Is Breast Milk Best?
by Diane Bales
Deciding how to feed your baby is one of the most important decisions expectant parents make during pregnancy. The first year of your baby's life is a time of rapid growth. By making sure your baby gets the nourishment he needs, he'll be able to develop to his fullest potential. This publication address questions you may have regarding breast- vs. bottle-feeding and what you can to do enhance your baby's brain development. 2-page, color.Published Date: Dec 2016
Building Baby's Brain: The Basics
by Diane Bales
From the moment a baby is born, every experience taken in by the five senses helps strengthen the connections that guide development. Each child's brain creates individual pathways of connections based on specific experiences. Here are some general tips you can use to help wire the brain for success. 2-page, color.Published Date: Dec 2016
Displaying 16 to 30 of 115 Publications