Displaying 16 to 28 of 28 Publications
Water Primer: Part 3, Groundwater
by Danny H. Rogers G. Morgan Powell Kerri Ebert
Groundwater is free or unbonded water located beneath the ground surface in an aquifer, a geologic formation containing a sufficient quantity of water that can be removed by pumping. Publication includes diagrams of wells and maps of aquifers. 8 pages, color.Published Date: Apr 2012
Waterers and Watering Systems: A Handbook for Livestock Producers and Landowners
by Carol Baldwin et al.
Handbook assists in design of a watering system that fits the budget, site, and livestock needs. Water is provided by a water source, a power source, a pipeline to convey water, and the waterer itself. 173 pages, color.Revision Date: Apr 2024
Environmental Regulation Guide for Rural Kansans
by Peter Tomlinson et al.
Laws and regulations, which may affect landowners, can be confusing. This guide is intended as an introduction to laws and regulations with which landowners may need to comply. It should help the reader identify basic regulatory concepts and find where to go for compliance information. Includes agency contact information. 8-page, b/w.Revision Date: Jun 2017
Water Primer: Part 1, Overview
by G. Morgan Powell Danny H. Rogers Kerri Ebert
Publication describes sources and uses of water in Kansas. 4 pages, color.Published Date: Mar 2012
Water Primer: Part 2, The Hydrologic Cycle
by Danny H. Rogers G. Morgan Powell Kerri Ebert
The hydrologic cycle is nature’s water purification system. Its three main components are evaporation, precipitation, and runoff. 4 pages, color.Published Date: Mar 2012
Taking a Water Sample
Wash hands first. Use a faucet that is used regularly & does not leak, preferably indoors. Do not use swinging spout or garden frost-free hydrant, or source connected to water softener or filter.Revision Date: Mar 2000
Glossary of Water Terms
by G. Morgan Powell Kerri Ebert
Waste Management Learning Center: Definitions of terms used in managing water quality. 8-page.Published Date: Aug 2007
Restoring a Flooded Well to Service
by Judith M. Willingham Danny H. Rogers G. Morgan Powell
If flood water overtopped a well casing, polluted water and sediment likely entered the well and disinfection is essential. Equipment must be dried, cleaned, and checked.Published Date: Jun 2006
Bacterial Contamination of Surface Waters in Kansas
by Charles Rice George Marchin Daniel L. Devlin
Health risks occur when there is fecal contamination of water from human or animal sources. Common waterborne diseases include typhoid, hepatitis, dysentery, giardiasis, & cryptosporidiosis.Published Date: Aug 2000
Atrazine Herbicide: A Water Quality Concern for Kansas
by Daniel L. Devlin David L. Regehr
Atrazine herbicide runoff is entering Kansas surface waters. The maximum contaminant level (MCL) for atrazine had been set at an annual average of 3 parts per billion (ppb).Published Date: Aug 2000
Best Management Practices for Nitrogen
by Daniel L. Devlin David A. Whitney Ray E. Lamond
Use optimum nitrogen amounts, apply no more than necessary. Use the right source of nitrogen for situation. Apply nitrogen at the right time, either as one application or split applications.Published Date: Apr 1996
Total Maximum Daily Loads
If pollutants are found, a state is required to establish a Total Maximum Daily Load. A TMDL is the pollution a water body can receive without violating water quality standards.Published Date: Aug 2000
Water Testing Decision Tree
Updated for 2023. Safe water is important for produce growers as well as home gardeners. Take advantage of free microbial water testing available from Kansas State University and the University of Missouri by using this decision tree to identify what water testing you need. The fact sheet also includes other resources for water testing. 2 pages, color.Revision Date: Sep 2023
Displaying 16 to 28 of 28 Publications