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Barley Yellow Dwarf

by Erick D. De Wolf


This publication describes the symptoms, life cycle, and control of this wheat disease. 2-page, color.

Revision Date: Apr 2018

Top-dress Applications of UAN Fertilizer with Herbicides on Wheat

by Phillip W. Stahlman Dallas E. Peterson Brian L. S. Olson


Urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) applications can cause foliar burn under certain conditions, and herbicides may increase the risk. Weed-and-feed applications can be safer with favorable weather and the right formulation. 4-page.

Published Date: Aug 2009

Diagnosing Wheat Production Problems

by Erick D. De Wolf et al.


Publication will help to diagnose likely causes of slow growth, distorted appearance, off-colors, injury, and death of wheat plants from planting through harvest. 66-page, color.

Revision Date: Jun 2023

Dual-Purpose Wheat: Management for Forage and Grain Production

by Romulo Pisa Lollato et al.


This publication describes some of the management techniques used when producers plan to graze wheat fields and harvest a grain crop. 8-page, full color.

Published Date: Apr 2017

Dual Purpose Wheat: Improving Grazing Management Using a Smartphone App

by Romulo Pisa Lollato et al.


Grazing wheat offers an additional opportunity for your wheat crop. This publication discusses timing and growth stages critical to successful grazing and how a smartphone app can aid in management decisions. 4-page, color.

Published Date: Jul 2016

Small Grain Cereals for Forage

by James P. Shroyer Dale L. Fjell Steve L. Watson


Small grain cereals (winter wheat, rye, barley, etc.) can be a valuable forage supplement to summer annuals and native grass pastures, and a good primary forage when backgrounding beef cattle.

Published Date: Aug 1993

Weedy Bromes-Recognizing Them at an Early Stage

by Linda W. Davis


Identifying weedy bromes (vs. wheat or smooth brome) at an early state is difficult, but with a hand lens it is possible to observe type of ligule, edge on leaf blade, & distribution of hairs. Photos.

Published Date: May 1990

Crop Residues: Abundance and Considerations for Alternative Uses

by Cheryl R. Boyer DeAnn Presley


This publication identifies crop residues, which may have potential application in other industries, and their relative abundance. 4-page, color.

Published Date: Apr 2014

Chloride in Kansas: Plant, Soil, and Fertilizer Considerations

by Dorivar A. Ruiz Diaz


Physical symptoms of chloride deficiency on plants vary and are not always consistent. In wheat, some varieties show a characteristic leaf spotting, described as random chlorotic spots on leaves. 4-page, color.

Revision Date: Feb 2019

Army Cutworm: Kansas Crop Pests

by J. P. Michaud Robert J. Bauernfeind


Identification and management of this sporadic pest of alfalfa, wheat, and canola in Kansas. 4-page, 4-color.

Published Date: Mar 2014

Displaying 61 to 70 of 70 Publications
