4-H Beef Project - KSRE Bookstore
This project page provides information about the 4-H Beef Project, including the types of educational activities involved and how this project can lay a ... Cow Nutrition Guide | KSRE Bookstore PDF
One of the most difficult aspects of feeding beef cows is that their nutritional requirements change dramatically during the year based on pregnancy and ... Injectable Beef Cattle Antimicrobials - KSRE Bookstore
MF2848 FDA-Approved Injectable Beef Cattle Antimicrobials ... Describes medications, methods, and dosage to treat bacterial and rickettsial diseases that infect ... Beef Processing Options for Consumers PDF
steaks commonly produced from the chuck. Some of the chuck also can be used for stew meat or ground beef. Rib: Normally, the rib is cut into ... Cow Nutrition Guide - KSRE Bookstore
C735 Beef Cow Nutrition Guide ... Gives the biological priority for nutrients of a beef cow. Shows how to meet animal's needs, while maintaining a minimal cost. Water Requirements for Mature Beef Cows - KSRE ...
MF3303 Estimating Water Requirements for Mature Beef Cows ... This publication explains water needs for beef cattle and estimates daily water requirements ... to Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows and Bulls - KSRE ...
MF3274 Guide to Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows and Bulls. by Jaymelynn Farney et al. ... Information for producers on how and why to use body condition scoring. (B2C) Beef Company Marketing Claims FAQs
MF3619 Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Beef Company Marketing Claims FAQs. by Katie Lybarger et al. ... Publication describes the marketing claims that beef cattle ... Much Gas Do Beef or Dairy Cattle Produce? | KSRE Bookstore PDF
Which gases are of interest and why? The beef and dairy industries emit gases to the atmo- sphere from animal feed digestion (enteric fermentation) and. to Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows and Bulls | KSRE ... PDF
Body condition scoring (BCS) is a method for determining the relative fatness of beef cattle. The system used by beef producers in the United States rates ...